Sunday, June 22, 2008

Discount Lagoon Tickets

I would like to take all the nieces to Lagoon this week but it is a little pricey to pay for everyone! Does anyone have any discounts tickets or know where to get any? I know some church groups still do Lagoon days. If you have any suggestions let me know ASAP!



Uriona Family said...

It is WAY expensive. So far, the cheapest place I have found for tickets is Costco. It is still like $33 per ticket or something outrageous like that but that is the best bet I have found.

Lisel said...

Deseret Book has good discount tickets but obviously you have to make purchases to get them. The stake Lagoon day prices are the best if you can find someone with them. Good luck!

Pearson Family said...

check with your credit union. I think they usually do discount tickets.