Thursday, July 17, 2008

Take a little trip

I am adding a post by Lisel I think it is a great idea. I want to hear from you girls! I know we have lots of great memories. Add it to you posts so I can add my memories to your blog.

1. Add a comment on my blog, leaving one memory that you and I (or Ben, or both of us) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.


Sarah Carlston said...

"Ayreport Advynchures!"

I am actually embarassed to even remind myself of that evening at the airport. I need to make copies for all of you to have to show to your kids! Remember Ben dressing up and acting like he worked at the airport? And the guy totally believed him!

Their are so many more memories...I need to think about this...I will post more later!

Lisel said...

Where do I begin?! Hanging out in your basement and sleeping over at your house about a million times. Getting ourselves all scared and hearing a noise outside your window and literally flying across your room. Baptisms for the dead with Kristin every Thursday morning. Drill and soccer Junior year. The retarded boys from Granger. Hot tubbing at Brett Roberts house. Bear Lake. Going to (or at least attempting to find) the hot pots that one time. Nearly rear-ending someone on 13th east and then laughing hysterically the whole way home. I'll probably think of tons more later. Thanks for always being such a great friend!

Uriona Family said...

I remember being totally intimadated by you when I first met you because you had it all together. I remember thinking you were Martha Stewart and then finding out your middle name was Martha and thinking it was more than just coincidence. I remember wanting to go to your wedding and trying to convince Dane to take me because he was invited since we weren't officially friends yet. I remember when our wedding was over the first thing Dane said was "I should have gone to all my friends weddings"...meaning yours because he didn't have any other married friends at the time. :) I STILL ADORE AND IDOLIZE YOU!!!

Joe said...

Let's see. From the times my family made the Utah trips, I remember playing poker for candy, Snelgrove's, your grandma's electric recliner, eating tons of food, one time you took me driving all around Salt Lake, and later, I think you introduced me to Cafe Rio, and that one time in college I wrote a story for the Utah Statesman about Ben's band. I know there's more.

Kelly said...

One of the funniest was when we were on our way to Vegas we stopped in Mesquite and when you were going around that round about we got in a car accident. The cops came and even though it was totally our fault didn't give us a ticket. How did we get out of that one again? We must have done some good flirting.

Sarah Carlston said...

Remember when we were at Bens house for a party and we took someones truck and parked it down the road...I cant remember whose truck that was, hanging out in your basement, playing baulderdash after Harvest and laughing our heads off, Singing that stupid spice girl song and finishing it with our own words...So tell me what you want...blah blah blah. Making fun of Mrs. Johnson, laughing our heads off all the time. Lots and lots of memories! Your writing me notes in psychology just to tick Trish off. I think we got kicked out of Dees too.

Mindurs said...

I remember how my family use to call you smellanie, you probably weren't a big fan of that one.

I also remember the time at girls camp when the older girls tried to scrub the make-up off your face because it was forbidden. Little did they know that your cheeks were naturally pink and your eyelashes are thick dark and beautiful. Stupid older girls! I was always jealous of your natural coloring.

The time in 9th grade where we spent the weekend at your condo and played strip poker. I am pretty sure we didn't have any supervision that weekend. At least I can't remember any.

Stacia Hoecherl said...

I believe that you were with us but you can tell me that I'm an idiot if you weren't. One of my favorite memories. I believe that you, Jenny, Hank, and I went to go and see My Best Friends Wedding and on the way home from the theater Jenny didn't properly stop at a stop sign and we got pulled over by a bike cop. Not a motorcycle but a bicycle. Hank and I were laughing so hard in the back of the car that the cop thought that we were drunk and Jenny keep yelling at us to stop laughing. The cop made some comment that he could have caught us if we tried to out run him because his bike had a motor on it. It was hilarious!!!! That are so may more memories I could chose from but that is one of my favorites.