Friday, August 29, 2008

Do my kids know me?

I saw this post on my friends blog. She asked her kids the same questions and they were pretty funny answers

What is something mom always says to you?

Ryley: She Loves you

Max: Show something to me

Reality: Stop pouting. Leave Mikey alone. I love you.

What makes mom happy?

Ryley: Flowers and her kids

Max: When I don't cry

Reality: The kids do make me happy, but at the same time I swear they are out to get me!

What makes mom sad?
Ryley: When we don't listen to you.

Max: When the car batteries don't work we fixed it at Costco

Reality: Max is referring to earlier this week at Costco the car alarm would not go off and we couldn't drive home. It was hot and I was frustrated. When I started crying Max knew it was serious and said, "Don't Cry!"
I think the thing that makes me the most sad is when the kids are hurt.

How does your mom make you laugh?
Ryley: Tickling me under my armpits.

Max: Tickling me

Reality: Tickling huh? I thought it would be my bad dancing or made up songs I sing?

What was your mom like as a child?
Ryley: No computers, no TV's I don't know

Max: Liked to play

Reality: I Loved TV cartoons, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears. I loved to play dolls. I need to inform Ryley that I did have a TV I am not that old!

How old is your mom?
Ryley: she is probably a super old number

Max: I don't know

Reality: What is Ryley going to think of me when she is 16? I am going to look like I am 100 to her.

How tall is your mom?

Ryley: I don't know

Max: Holds his hands out really tall "Like this tall"

Reality: I always said 5ft 11 but Ben says 6 ft. I must admit was a hard number for me to accept. I am a tall girl!

What is your mom’s favorite thing to do?

Ryley: Have a Break

Max: Cook something and make cookies

Reality: Getting to bed early.

What does your mom do when you’re not around?

Ryley: Shops

Max: you stay with Daddy

Reality: It is amazing the things I can get done when I am alone. It is possible to get in and out of a store in less than 10 minutes!

If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

Ryley: cooking

Max: Doesn't know what famous is.

Reality: Hard question! I hope to never be famous.

What is your mom really good at?
Ryley: helping me

Max: Good at exercising

Reality: Eating and I wish the exercising thing was true. I really am not a fan of exercising!

What is your mom not very good at?

Ryley: Swimming

Max: Not good at Man Stuff!

Reality: Lots of stuff. But for the most part I am pretty perfect.

What does your mom do for her job?
Ryley: Make Papers.

Max: Cook make cookies and cakes.

Reality: Under paid and over worked

What is your mom’s favorite food?

Ryley: Dark chocolate

Max: Salad

Reality: Cookies all cookies never had a cookie I didn't like!

What makes you proud of your mom?

Ryley: That she takes care of me

Max: Proud to play the Wii!

Reality: I didn’t know my kids were even aware of my existence outside of feeding them.

If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

Ryley: Cinderella

Max: Princess Sleeping Beauty

Reality: I do feel like Cinderella sometimes. I think my kids play the role of Lucifer the cat by making messes for me to clean up!

What do you and your mom do together?

Ryley: Get our toes painted

Max: Help you and watch the news

Reality: I clean their mess they love me it works.

How are you and your mom the same?

Ryley: We have the same hair

Max: We help and we match

Reality: Last name

How are you and your mom different?

Ryley: I like bugs she doesn't.

Max: We have different Birthdays

Reality: I love bedtime. The kids not so much.

How do you know your mom loves you?

Ryley: She says so.

Max:You like hugs

Reality: I tell them all the time. Does doing the laundry show love?

What does your mom like most about your dad?

Ryley: Snuggling with him

Max: That he caught a fish

Reality: I have the best husband. I love everything about him.

Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?

Ryley: Home

Max: Smith's (the grocery store)

Reality: At the current state of our family my favorite place to go is probably Disneyland. Without the kids I would be happy to go anywhere with Ben but that is not going to happen for awhile.

I am going to tagg Stacia's kids! Anyone else that can make their kids sit through an interview and get answers to make some sense.


Kami said...

Fun answers! Matt wants me to ask daddy questions next time. :)

Lisel said...

Your kids are funny! I really liked doing this tag, it's insightful. How is Ryley liking kindergarten? And Max preschool?

Nancy Thompson Mahler said...

This is great, I wish I had done this with my kids when they were young... I'm afraid of what they might say if i asked them now;)

Your blog is great!!!