Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mikey's First Mug Shot

This week I had been working on a project that required paint. I was cleaning up and left the can of paint by the back door to put away. In my stupidity I forgot about the paint and started cleaning Ryley's Room. I hear the boys laughing in the other room and figure they are having a good time. then it gets quiet. I forget about them until I hear "MEL!!"

I go into the dining room and see the paint dumped over and little footprints leaving the scene of the crime. Ben puts Mikey in our temporary jail the bathtub and we go into clean up mode. I did not have the clarity to take a picture of the crime scene I was too freaked to get the paint off my floor.

I then had the presence of mind to take a couple of picture. Enjoy!

As a ending to the story we did get all the paint off the floor.


Kami said...

I would have FREAKED OUT! Glad it all came out. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man!!! This is only a funny story because you were able to get the paint cleaned off the floor, otherwise it wouldn't have been that funny ;)

Stacia Hoecherl said...

Priceless. I have had these moments with my boys where I'm so angry however I have taken pictures and when I look back I can truly laugh at the situation.