Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin Pick

When I woke up this morning and heard Palin from Alaska was the VP Pick I was a little shocked. The little I know about this woman, but she seems amazing. She is mother of five just had a baby in April. I am excited to get to know her. I must say I was disappointed that Mitt isn't VP but this is a good second so far.

1 comment:

Lisel said...

I liked Mitt too. I am still trying to figure this out and I'm still not even sure I like McCain. Palin seems good. One question though - would you even want to be the VP if you had a 6 month old child? She's obviously more on top of things than me, because I still want to chill in my PJ's when my kids are that age. What I do know though, is that I can't stand Obama!