Monday, March 31, 2008

Rachel in Iraq

Here is a picture of my niece Rachel in Iraq. She is eight years younger than me so sometimes our relationship is more sisterly that an aunt niece thing. She is full time army and is currently in Iraq until the fall.

She is learning alot and is excited to be home at the end of the year for awhile. This picture I believe in from a small village in Iraq. she was sent on mission to examine a women since the male soldiers were not able to touch her. The people in the village kept asking to see her hair color and her eyes! She thinks she is the first female solider they had ever seen! At one point she thinks they were trying to arrange a marriage for her with one of their sons! She could only take pictures of the kids. It is not accepted to take pictures of women. We love her lots and miss her so much! God Bless you Rachel!

1 comment:

norm said...

all american bad ass