Monday, July 14, 2008

Mean Mommy Day

Does anyone ever have a mean mommy day! Now that my kids are in bed and I am reflecting on the day. I was a mean mommy. It was just a busy day and I know we are going to have a busy week. Not that my kids did anything unusual I was just annoyed all day. Maybe I can blame it on the sun. I was probably sun pissed! So I better get a good night sleep so I can turn back into reasonably understanding mommy who loves her job!


Stacia Hoecherl said...

I think that every day in our house is a mean mommy day. I believe that is why my children love their father as soon as he walks in the door, they are just plain sick of their mean mom. They like to remind me some of the time that I am the worst mommy ever. The thing I love about kids is that the soon forget and love you again.

Alexis said...

Oh honey...I had one of those days on Saturday. I felt like crap with a major headache and both of my children were driving me CRAZY...I was yelling at them for things that any other day I would find funny or sweet. I also went to bed feeling like I needed a "re-do" on my day so that my children don't need counseling. But they do forgive and forget and you are a GREAT Mom. Don't worry, we all have bad Mom days :-(