Thursday, September 3, 2009

CTW (Choosing the Wrong)

Max had a great primary teacher for the last six months she was big on teaching the kids to Choose The Right (CTR). When we made a bad decision he would say "that is choosing the wrong"
I had to go to back to school night for Rye on Tuesday. Ben stayed at home with the kids and I went to school. I left about 6pm and kids had not been fed dinner.

When I arrived back home at 8pm I found an empty package of cookies on the counter. No other evidence of dinner. This did not surprise me that much. It just gives me a chance to give Ben a hard time about feeding the kids cookies for dinner.

Ben is not a cook I know this and don't really expect it to change. His make dinner is usually delivered pizza.
With my couponing obsession we have quite a bit of food in the basement. The kids of course help themselves. The cookies always go first, so a new package of cookies was brought up and the kids and Ben proceeded to eat the entire package. When they were finished Ben told the kids, "Lets not tell Mom we ate cookies for dinner okay."
Max replies, "Why would we lie to Mom that would be choosing the wrong, Dad?"
He continues to tell Ben how lying is wrong and we should never lie to Mom.
Ben agrees and now knows he is not getting away with cookies for dinner.


Sarah Carlston said...

Ha Ha! Thats funny...I came home one night from enrichment and Ladd had fed the kids ice cream for dinner. I said what???? And his answer was...its a complete meal...protein, carbs and fat!

Whatever! I worry if I ever had to go away for more than a few days what my kids would be eating!

Hailey said...

Good for Max, poor Ben. Dad's are so funny. Kids can get away with anything when they are with their dads. Especially Sampson. But when you look at the big picture coookies aren't going to hurt for dinner right? I'm sad we never got together while Sam was out. Next time we need to for sure. We'd love to go out again. How about Friday? We are back in the hospital and love to get out. Let me know. Talk to you soon.

Jessie said...

Ha ha ha! Oh, your kids kill me! At least you know that nobody will be able to get away with lying to you as long as Max is on this CTW kick!