Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Playtime at the Rogers

My friend was over with her girls last week for a little project we made. I should take a picture it did turn out dang cute. The problem with doing projects is the kids do get ignored to a degree. We were down stairs crafting away when we hear a crash and then instant crying. I ran up the stairs to find this....

Max was upset and I think he was scared I might freak out. I admit when I first saw the door my reaction was, "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I preceded to hear the story of these two kids playing with walkie talkies and going to hide in the shower. When Max opened the shower door he lifted it up instead of sliding it.

Then I saw the blood. This sent me into panic mode as to who was hurt. Thankfully no one had anything serious. Minor cuts. It was a pretty crazy day though. After my friend and I were really shakin up since the kids could have been really hurt. All in a day at playtime at the Rogers house.

Luckily everyone is fine. I had to take a pic of their sad little faces.


The Lambourne Family said...

That is so scary!! Luckily no one was majorly hurt. It reminds me of our sliding glass door that fell inside and broke. Luckily none of the kids were walking by at the moment. We still have nightmares about what could have happened! Let me know if you still want to play on Friday. The kids really want to!

Kelly said...

Was that your shower door that got broken? That's scary that they can break that easily. Luckily no one was hurt bad.